
Sindi Serape
Jun 8, 2021

Then it hit me. Niche!

I have been casting a wide net to attract an audience. It makes sense why this approach hasn't been working very well. I'm creating a utilitarian product for people who will use it on a day-to-day basis, either painting, cooking, serving, and personal use. And I've been marketing the product to an audience who will use it sometimes. What a catch. After a very insightful conversation with a close observer, an idea sparked! I'm not selling the wrong product, but what I'm doing is selling the right product to the wrong audience. This realization will change how I fish, instead of using a net, I will therefore use a hook to catch a black mussel cracker. This approach will allow me to identify my audience and cater to their needs.

what a relief!!!



Sindi Serape

A technical designer with great passion for innovation